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Our volunteer caseworkers are here to assist on:


Thursday 10 am - 12:00 pm


We do recommend calling ahead to be sure we have volunteers in that day.

(765) 362-8840



Matthew 25: 40 And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.'



Vision Statement:

Our vision is to function as the HUB on the wheel of community services by networking all available resources for responding to and assisting in meeting the needs of families and individuals to move them toward self-sufficiency -- all to the glory of God.


Who We Are:

HUB Ministries is a non-denominational group of volunteers who have been trained to case manage families or individuals toward the goal of employment and self-sufficiency. Also, to direct them to assistance all ready available through other agencies and ministries in the Montgomery County area.



We are a faith based organization working under the 501(c)3 of New Bethel Fellowship Church. The HUB Ministries relies on donations, grants and volunteers.


How We Can Serve You:

We ask that you refer to us an individual or family in need of assistance. We will assign a case manager who will work with the family or individual to: Determine how or if they qualify for assistance from the various ministries and agencies all ready available in our community. If they need food we will contact the food pantries and arrange for them to receive food. If they need perscriptions we will contact the agency or ministry organized and prepared to help with perscriptions. If they need clothing we will arrange for them to receive clothing from the agency or ministry providing clothing.



To assist the agencies and ministries all ready active and working in our community by sending only those who qualify for their assistance. If a person does not qualify we will seek assistance from the church community.

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